Thursday, 26 July 2007

Thursday, one day to go and counting

Hi, I know I haven't written for a few days, but I have been busy reading Harry Potter and doing other things. I am quickly going to write this blog and then get back to it. I'm half way through it and I'm wishing it doesn't end. Because I have to say, I like all the hype that surrounds Harry Potter.

Have you noticed how quickly time passes when you are on a computer?

Last night I had the Pastor from my church come around to see me. They (church Elders) are not happy about me and Zhe. I keep trying to tell them that I know she will become a Christian but they don't seem to believe me. I don't like people - even Pastors telling me what I should believe. A my God is bigger than your God thing. Listening to a sermon is one thing. But having someone lecture you in your own living room is another. When I meet my God on judgement day, He or she can tell me what s/he thinks then. I don't need someone else to tell me what God thinks about me. I can enter into my own relationship with God thank you very much.

Anyway must go, Harry and then my prayers await before I go to sleep tonight.

Best wishes and love to all

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