Saturday 18 August 2007

It's been a while

Yes, It has been sometime since I wrote. I have'nt really had the urge to write about anything. Moreover, the computer is in the coldest room of the house and some nights I just don't want to come out here.

I've finished Harry Potter. Fantastic. loved the ending. Now for fun I am reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms (english) and I am watching the dvds (Chinese) of it to boot. I love the story but there are so many characters! Yes, I know Cao Cao and Liu Bei, Lu Bu, Kuan Yu and Zhang Fei, but when they're not in it, you start thinking who's that guy again. I was trying to read one chapter, then watch it on dvd, but it doesn't work out. Anyway, I've already seen the dvd of it before and I really like it.

Today is Saturday and I am trying to work out what I will do this afternoon. Maybe get out and do some gardening.

Better go. I want to get one DVD in over lunch and then get to work.

See you

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