Sunday 9 September 2007

It's Sunday again

My computer is doing funny things. I wish I knew about computers so I can figure out what is going on.

It's Sunday afternoon, I have just finished making a cake and am waiting for it to finish baking.

I was out in the backyard this afternoon and I uncovered what I think are termites near the side of my house. Great. I am feeling over the moon about that let me tell you. I haven't had much of a weekend to speak off and now I came across termites.

I am trying to look on the bright side it was a little bit away from the house. Maybe it's OK. I've looked and can't see any other wood that looks damaged.

Last night my football team got beaten and so they're finished to next year. Something will have to go right for the remaining hours of this weekend.

Can't really be bothered writing much

Come on Zhe call me.

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