Friday 4 October 2013


Ah cooking remember that! I was going to write about cooking, and gardening and learning Mandarin


On Saturday evening, I delivered up one of the best meals I've cooked so far. First I cooked Julie Goodwin's recipe for lamb chops and potato bake accompanied by the BBC Food's recipe for cauliflower cheese I Can't say my daughter raved about it. For her, only her mother's cooking is acceptable, well half the time. However, Zhe thought it was pretty good. So that is good enough for me. Tomorrow, Saturday I am going to continue with the baking theme and do a minced beef and potato bake. So I will see how that goes


Hopefully, the weather gods will be smiling over Melbourne and the weather is good so I can do some gardening. We bought two chickens home last week, so I am looking forward to them following me around looking for worms as I dig


OK, just a short one for you this week. What are you doing on the weekend?

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