Friday, 5 October 2007

Sitting here on Friday

Hi All,

Come on is there anyone out there who reads this. What was that movie where an alien listens to the radio waves coming form Earth and decides to come and say hello. Was one of Lloyd Bridges sons in it? I remember he brings a deer back to life after it had been shot by some hunter. It's going to be like that. Someone will one day read this and get back to me.

I've been playing on the internet for the last two hours reading other people's blogs. Mine pales into insignificance with some of them. Some have photos, music and everything! One day I might find out how you do that. Outside it is pouring rain. Very heavy on the roof. Good, we need the rain.

It's Friday night and I haven't got a clue what I am going to do over the weekend. I might go to the library tomorrow and read something. I've also got to go shopping. Sometime next week I have to take the cat to the vet to get her annual vaccination.
Must remember to do that and yes get the termite person back here to get rid of them.

It looks like it is going to rain for awhile, so it's probably to wet to do some gardening tomorrow.

What's happening in the news A US bombing raid has killed women and children in a village near the city of Baquba. Terrible.

Our minister for the environment has given his go ahead for a huge timber mill in Tasmania. Money definately does count. What chance has the environment got. What else is there - Don't get me started on the immigration minister and his views on Africans. Come on election! But what will we get when we throw the conservatives out- Hopefully we will vote them out! Just some more clones.

Anyway I might go and do something else. See you next time.

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