Second Vent
I have been thinking a lot of negatives lately and I am starting to think about all that energy I have lost that could have been put into thinking more positively. It is time to take on board that stuff that I have been listening to. It is time to remember that I am the only one who can go inside myself and make change. Other people out there control what goes on out there, but inside I am the only one that can reach in and control what I am thinking. Stress is a pain which comes to tell you that there is something that you need to change. The way out is to remember that I alone can take charge of my mind and change the state of my mind. I must be able to do this, I have to make myself accept this. I have to discover what is driving me to stress and feeling down and then questioning myself looking for the whys that I think think this and putting those whys to the test. Is this really the situation or is it something that my mind is making it up.
My natural state is a loving, peaceful human being, Babies are not born stressed or hurt. I need to remind myself that I am a human being and that I am a peaceful loving soul. I have to think of myself as a lotus blooming in mud. Life is a journey, there will be ups and downs and wrong turns, I must have patience with myself and trust that I will find the right path, I must avoid overthinking and analysing. Remember "This too shall pass" Meanwhile I can look at this transition this down period as an opportunity to explore myself, work my way through. I must be gentle and open and give myself time. I must do things for myself, when I do good to others, I am doing good for myself. I am OK and I will be OK.
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