Friday, 30 August 2013


A few years ago, I bought a DVD of Julie and Julia. The movie with Meryl Streep as Julia Childs. On first watching it I didn't like it, however, I recently watched it again and appreciated it more. So I thought to myself, why can't I create a blog like Julie did in real life and the movie and improve my cooking. Further, Zhe is a good cook. When she is in the mood her food is really good. So that added extra impetus for me to improve my cooking too. Even though I am an average cook I like to cook and every Saturday afternoon it is my turn. I especially like real earthy food, if you know what I mean. I don't really care for refined cooking or all the niceties. So, I'm going to start to read cooking blogs. I'll find recipes that I want to cook and learn to cook them. So this week I thought I would tackle Chicken meatloaf. I'll cook this on Saturday and let you know how it turns out.

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